My name is


Web / Game

Hello there!

About me

I’m a web developer who likes to write game systems code in my spare time.

Currently, I am learning about physics while building the chsl physics engine.

Outside of the terminal I like to play cards, go on walks, and draw.




  • Rust
  • Dependency-free!

My plan is to make a game composed primarily of code written by me and to do that I needed to roll my own physics.

That is why I am creating Chsl, a 2D rigidbody physics library currently supporting polygons, circles, and constraints.

View demos Source code


  • ReactJS
  • CanvasAPI

Pixili was my answer to the difficulties of compiling Aseprite from source (no disrespect I still like Asprite more).

The software includes basic features like the “paint bucket” tool, drawing lines, and switching colors, and more complex features like layers and undo.

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  • ReactJS
  • Framer Motion
  • OpenAI API
  • Web Speech API
  • TailwindCSS
  • Flask

Watchdog was created for StarterHacks under 48 hours our project was titled “Most Promising” hack.

Watchdog is software we made to give you an indicator as to how likely a call is to be scam.

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GDSC Hacks

At GDSCHacks, I worked on soundcard-ai, a place to convert and keep track of your lecture recordings into flashcards to prepare for exams in a hurry.

Hawk Hacks

At HawkHacks, I worked on dev-stats, a website compiling key information about a users github profile, helping hackers find teammates with the right skillsets and proficiency for their idea.

Starter Hacks

At StarterHacks, we built watchdog, a privacy assistant that can monitor your calls and gives you an indicator as to how likely your conversation is to be a scam call. Our hack won "Most Promising" for its capability to become a startup.

